Bruce Gordon and Randolph C. Head, Zwingli's Ambivalent Anniversary 2019: An Ereignisbericht, S. 7-30
Claudio César Rizzuto, The Comunero Revolt and Luther's Impact on Castile: Rebellion, Herey, and Ecclesiastical Reform Impulses, 1520-1521, S.31-54
Daniel Lehmann, "Such an Illumination Cannor Occur": Anthonuius Margaritha, the Reformation, and the Polemic against the Jews, S. 55-77
Terence McIntosh, Luther, Melanchthon, and the Specter of Zwingli during the Diet of Augsburg in 1530, S. 78-108
Zachary Purvis, When Melanchthon Became a Freemason: The So-Called 1535 Charter of Cologne and Its Long Aftermath, S. 109-143
Mark A. Hutchinson, The Question of Obedience and the Formation of Confessional Identity in the Irish Reformation, S. 143-169
Steven W. Tyra, "Neither the Spirit Without the Flesh": John Calvin's Greek Doctrine of the Beatific Vision, S. 170-193
Louise Vermeersch, Mennonite Martyrs and Multimedia: On the Form and Function of Intermediality in Reformation Communication, S. 194-216
Yves Krumenacker, La croiffure de Charlotte Arbeleste, S. 217-245
Jaap Geraerts, Caught between Canon and Secular Law: Catholic Marriage Practices in the Dutch Golden Age, S. 246-288
Christine Kooi, The Synod of Dordrecht after Four Hundred Years, S. 289-300
Markus Friedrich, Reformation History between Accident, Ambition, and Anguish: Baarhold Nicolaus Krohn (1722-1795) and his Project for a General History of Anabaptism, S. 301-329