David H. Price, Maximilian I and Toleration of Judaism, S. 7-29
Anselm Schubert, Andreas Osiander als Kabbalist, S. 30-54
Philip Hahn, Sensing Sacred Space: Ulm Minster, the Reformation, and Parishioners' Sensory Perception, c. 1470 to 1640, S. 55-91
Sabine Arend, Die Ravensburger Kirchenordnung von 1546: Ein Dokument reichsstädtischer Allianzen und konfessioneller Positionierung, S. 92-128
Chang Soo Park, Das Prinzip des allgemeinen Priestertums, ein politisches Konzept?, S. 129-158
Kirk M. Summers, The Theoretical Rationale for the Reformed Consistory: Two Key Words of Theodore Beza, S. 159-179
Michael Becker, Apokalyptik und Irenik in Hugo Grotius' späten theologischen Schriften, S. 180-205
Anne-Laure Van Bruaene, The 'Adieu' and 'Willecomme' for Jan van Hembyze, or: The Battle between Script and Print in Calvinistic Ghent, S. 206-229
Ryan M. Reeves, 'Ye gods': Political Obedience from Tyndale to Cromwell, c. 1528-1540, S. 230-256
Jayne Wackett, Examining the Unexpected: Printed Images in the Prayer Books of Edward VI and the Primers of Mary Tudor, S. 257-283
Angela Schattner, Theologies of Sport: Protestant Ideas on Bodily Exercise, Sports Practice and Christian Lifestyle in the Declaration of Sports Controversy in Seventeenth-Century England, S. 284-313