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Quellen und Forschungen zur Reformationsgeschichte

Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 101 (2010)


  • Wim François, The Antwerp Printers Christoffel and Hans (I) van Ruremund, Their Durch and English Bibles, and the Intervention of the Authorities in the 1520s and 1530s, S. 7-28
  • Ruth Slenczka, Die Stadt als Bild der Verheißung. Minden auf dem Bildnis des Superintendenten Hermann Huddäus von Ludger tom Ring dem Jüngeren von 1568, S. 29-54
  • David M. Luebke, Confessions of the Dead. Interpreting Burial Practice
    in the Late Reformation, S. 55-79
  • Carrie Euler, Does Faith Translate? Tudor Translations of Martin Luther and the Doctrine of Justification by Faith, S. 80-113
  • Alec Ryrie, The Psalms and Confrontation in English and Scottish Protestantism, S. 114-137
  • Robert von Friedeburg, Ecclesiology and the English State. Luther and Melanchthon on the Independence of the Church in English Translations of the 1570s, S. 138-163
  • Patrick J. O'Banion, For the Defense of the Faith? The Crusading Indulgendce
    in Early Modern Spain, S. 164-185
  • Simon Dutchfield, Decentering the Catholic Reformation. Papacy and Peoples
    in the Early Modern World, S. 186-208
  • Rady Roldan-Figueroa, Father Luis Pineiro, S.J., the Tridentine Economy of Relics, and the Defense of the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise in Tokugawa Japan, S. 209-231

Themenschwerpunkt/Focal Point: The Protestant Reformation and the Middle Ages:
  • Mark Greengrass/Matthias Pohlig, Preface, S. 233-237
  • Harald Bollbuck, Testimony of True Faith and the Ruler's Mission. The Middle Ages in the Magdeburg Centuries and the Melanchthon School, S. 238-262
  • Matthias Pohlig, Matthias Flacius, Simon Goulart and the Catalgous testium veritatis: Protestant Historiography in an Age of inner-Protestant Struggle, S. 263-274
  • Mark Greengrass/Matthes Phillpott, John Bale, John Foxe and the Reformation
    of the English Past, S. 275-288
  • Irena Backus, What is a Historical Account? Religious Biography and the Reformation's Break with the Middle Ages. S. 289-303

  • Thomas Kaufmann: "History is good at confounding and confessing labelers" - "Die Geschichte versteht es meisterlich, Schlagwortexperten zu irritieren und zu verwirren". Zu Diarmaid Mac Cullochs "Reformation", S. 305-320
  • Horst Dreier, Rechte Konfession - Konfession im Recht. Rezension zu: Christoph Strohm, Calvinismus und Recht. Weltanschaulich-konfessionelle Aspekte im Werk reformierter Juristen in der Frühen Neuzeit, S. 321ff.